Smiling woman in white dress and red accessories.



On October 1, 1952, the late Rev. J. H. Allen with sixteen other saints organized Second Mt. Nebo Missionary Baptist Church.  They held their first meeting at the home of Bro. Early Roshell, who would later become church treasurer until his passing many years later.

Members present at that initial meeting were:  Rev. Allen, Bro. & Sis. Fudge, Bro. & Sis. Gills, Bro. Howard Beckwith, Bro. Floyd Guy, Sis. Alice Stephen, Sis. Sarah Dickens, Sis. Katie Jackson, Sis. Lara Hubbard, Sis. Lula Caldwell, Sis. Mattie Johnson and Sis. Lula Smith.  During that meeting, Bro. Fudge was appointed Chairman of the Deacon Board.

In 1953, Second Mt. Nebo acquired its own church building in Los Angeles.  The church grew spiritually and financially.

On July 16, 1967, Rev. Allen passed away, leaving behind a beautiful memory of himself and his work.

In February 1968, Second Mt. Nebo called Rev. Clifford Martin to be its pastor.  Under his leadership, our Los Angeles mortgage was paid off and a mortgage burning, with Rev. Henson presiding, was celebrated.

In May, 1971, the church called Rev. Dr. W. James Glenn of Detroit, Michigan to be its pastor.  A year later, the church moved from Los Angeles to its current location in Inglewood and in August, 1972, the church building was purchased by the membership.

Extensive remodeling to the building was done under Pastor Glenn's leadership and direction.  The improvements were completed in 1980 and all related debts paid in full, thanks to our Lord and the united efforts of the officers and members.  Shortly thereafter, by God's grace, the mortgage on the building was paid off.  Praise the Lord!

During Pastor Glenn's tenure, special auxiliaries were organized such as the Recruiters League, Pastor’s Chorus, Junior Usher Board, Usherettes, and a Day Care Center all of which spurred church fellowship and growth.  In 1978, the late Deacon Shelby Patterson was appointed Chairman of the Deacon Board.  He served the Board faithfully, for almost thirty years.

Many “firsts” were accomplished under Pastor Glenn's leadership:

First Black congregation to pay for a church building in the City of Inglewood.

First to bring Inglewood together for a pre-Thanksgiving Service at Morningside High School.

First to combine a Cornerstone laying and mortgage burning ceremony (which took place in May 1980).

First to take leadership in sponsoring a city-wide prayer breakfast for guidance, spiritual renewal and unity in the community.

First to assemble a panel of Judges from Inglewood Courts to provide free legal information to the Church and the community.

In March, 2010, a new Deacon Board was appointed consisting of Bro. Ferdinand Cook (Chairman), the late Bro. Morris Glenn, Bro. Roland Hawkins II (now our Pastor), Bro. Clarence Ligon, Bro. Terry Lee and the late Bro. Charles Williams.  In August 2024, Bro. Davale Horn and Bro. Stanley Saffold were added to the Board.

Through the years, numerous ministers have been associated with our congregation.  Three ministers from within the church were ordained into the ministry--Pastor Charles Ashley of Perfect Peace, Los Angeles, Pastor Otis Saffold of the former Heavenly Rest, Compton, and most recently, Rev. Roland Hawkins II, our current pastor.

Illness was prevalent in Pastor's Glenn's later years and became a hindrance to his ministry.  Nevertheless, with the faithful assistance of the late Rev. Emory Greene of St. John Missionary Baptist, the two forged ahead in ministering to the congregation.  Rev. Greene served humbly and faithfully for more than ten years.

After 46 years of service, in August 2017, Pastor Glenn went home to be with the Lord.  His memory and contributions are forever etched into the history of this church.  In the years that followed, the Deacon Board was instrumental in caring for the congregation and maintaining the fellowship.

On May 5, 2024, the church called the honorable Rev. Roland Hawkins II of Los Angeles, CA, to be its new pastor.  Under his leadership two deacons were ordained in August 2024 and new approaches are being applied to facilitate teamwork and improve church fellowship and growth.  Building renovations are underway to improve aesthetic appeal and future usefulness with regard to the latest technology.  The church now has an online presence via the Zoom platform and a multipurpose room with video and internet capabilities to better serve the membership.

As we forge ahead, with a new pastor and a fresh new vision, it is our conviction that the Lord will provide.  To God be the glory!

Humbly submitted,

Sis. Gloriest McCarty, Reporting
Rev. Roland Hawkins II, Pastor